What does the Parish Council do? The Council represents the community in matters affecting the parish. These include: Liaising with Dorset Councily on various matters e.g. highways, footpaths, transport Commenting on planning applications Responding to consultations The Council also maintains and improves village property. This includes: The playing field, its equipment and maintenance Looking after the bus shelter, notice boards and village seats The Council also supports local community groups and events.
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What is the Parish Council? Parish Councillors are volunteers who freely give their time to serve their local community. Litton Cheney Parish Council comprises 7 Councillors who serve a four-year term. The Parish Council welcomes your input and all residents are encouraged to attend the meetings. If you have any queries or suggestions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Parish Council Clerk Mrs M Walsh on 01308 281561 or email: littoncheney@dorset-aptc.gov.uk
Current Council Members
01308 482669 Chairman Footpaths, Rights of Way, Mobile Phone Mast
01308 482548 Deputy Chairman Planning
01308 482313 Village Fabric, Maintenance, Devolved Services
01308 482594 Playing Fields Magna Green, Allotments
01308 482367 Agricultural Liaison
Bill Orchard
Kathryn Brooks
Andrew King
John Firrell
Arabella Spurrier
Mrs M Walsh
01308 281561 Clerk and RFO littoncheney@dorset-aptc.gov.uk
Assets Litton Cheney Parish Council is responsible for looking after a number of features around the village. e.g. the playing field, the bus shelters at Lower Cross Tree and three Village notice boards. For a full list of assets please take a look at the Parish Inventory
Andrew Price
Meetings The Council meets 6 times a year on the second Tuesday of alternate months with an Annual Meeting, at which the Chairman is elected, held in May. Meetings are held at Liton and Thorners Community Hall (LATCH) in School Lane. The dates and agendas for upcoming meetings are posted on the website and on the 3 village notice boards at least three days before each meeting. Noticeboards are located in the bus shelter, just down from the entrance to The Paddocks and next to Rose Cottage in Main Street.
Finance The Parish Council’s main source of funding is the ‘precept’. The precept is the parish council’s share of the council tax and is collected by the district council for the parish council. Without this money the Parish Council would be unable to carry out any of its responsibilities.
Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities In December 2014 the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) published the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 for Smaller Authorities. The Code is a requirement for smaller authorities to make information available for local people to increase democratic accountability. Full details as to how it affects Litton Cheney Parish Council can be seen here pcadminpage
01308 482828 Highways,Transport
Village Information v
Local Amenities v
About Litton Cheney v
Parish Council v
Dorset Council v
Village Amenities v
a village in the Bride Valley Litton Cheney Dorset