The deadline for copy for any month’s issue is mid-day of the second Thursday of the preceding month. All material for publication must be sent to the Village Correspondent. For Litton Cheney this is: John Firrell, Tel: 01308 482313 email:
Litton Cheney Parish Council – Next Meeting Tuesday 11th March – 7.30pmWe can’t quite promise you the excitement of Prime Minster’s Questions but very often we can provide greater clarity should you have a question you would like answered – you do however need to attend the meeting where you would be made most welcome.The village precept is being increased this year to £12,000 as it needs to take account of a reduction in funds being available from other sources such as the unitary authority (Dorset Council). This means that around £65 of your total council tax (it will vary dependent on what band your property is in) is returned to the village to pay for its general upkeep, administration (parish clerk) and ongoing expenses. No councillor receives any form of remuneration whilst serving. New Parish Clerk Debbie Hollings has just been awarded her CiLCA qualification which is effectively an “A” level in local council administration – well done, Debbie!Our thanks to the Premier Crew who cleaned up at the bottom of Whiteway after several deluges, and also to the Dorset Council team who removed the considerable spoils after the clear up.VE Day - 80th AnniversaryPlans are afoot to celebrate the 80th Anniversary of Victory in Europe on Thursday 8th May. We are hoping to involve the school, and the pub, although not necessarily together!. More details as they become available, but stand-by to celebrate, and commemorate.Full FibreA gentle reminder that if you registered via the voucher scheme then you are obliged to follow through with the commitment to sign up for Full Fibre broadband. You do not have to stay with your existing provider if you are out of contract and in some instances if you are towards the end of your existing contract then you may find the remainder could be bought out by whoever you choose to sign up with.What’s on at Litton and Thorner’s Community Hall (LATCH) in MarchREGULAR EVENTSMondays 3.30 – 4.30 Big Q (term time only)Tuesdays 4.45 – 5.45 Short Mat Bowls (Ron Davidson 482661)7.00 – 8.30 NEW Dance Connection (4th and 18th)Wednesdays 4.45 – 5.45 Table Tennis(Ron Davidson 482661 or Paul Kingston 482162)7.00 - Mindful Movement (Jane Hutchins 07882 527697)Thursdays 9.15 – 11.15 First Steps Toddlers (fortnightly, term time only)Fridays 10.00 – 12.00Art Group (7th and 21st) in Meeting RoomOTHER EVENTSThursday 6th 7.30 Film Night “The Critic”Tuesday 11th 7.30 Parish Council Meeting in Meeting RoomMonday 17th 7.00 Gardening Club meeting (Main Hall)7.00 Pastoral Skills Course (Meeting Room)Monday 24th 7.00 Pastoral Skills Course (Main Halll)Sunday 30th 10.30 United Benefice Service for Mothering Sunday. Coffee/Croissants and family craft from 9.45Coming up in early April: Thursday 3rd Film Night. Saturday 5th Village Café run by the W.I.Village Cafés: The hall is available for hire free of charge on Saturday mornings for a Café to raise funds for any group. It’s a good social event for the community and always popular.Hall Bookings/viewings: Wendy Firrell 01308 482532 wtlitton@gmail.comBRIDE VALLEY FILMS - Next films at Litton Cheney Village Hall.THURSDAY 6 MARCH - THE CRITIC‘British film at it’s best’Set in 1930’s London, The Critic is a thrilling tale of ambition, blackmail, and desire with a dazzling anti-hero at its heart. When the most feared and vicious theatre critic in town Jimmy Erskine (Ian McKellen) finds himself suddenly in the cross hairs of the Daily Chronicle’s new owner, he strikes a Faustian pact with struggling actress Nina Land (Gemma Arterton) who is desperate to win his favour.THURSDAY 3 APRIL CONCLAVE– ‘brilliantly shot and extremely atmospheric’ Cert.15 1hr.40”Conclave is a masterfully crafted thriller that delves into the clandestine world of the Vatican, offering viewers a gripping portrayal of the papal election process. Directed by Edward Berger and based on Robert Harris’s 2016 novel, the film boasts a stellar ensemble cast, including Ralph Fiennes, Stanley Tucci, John Lithgow, and Isabella Rossellini. Cert.12+ 2hrs.Doors Open: 7.00 p.m. Films start 7.30 p.m. TICKETS: £5.00 (to include a glass of wine) Tickets in advance from: Sally Dyke 482752, Elizabeth Kingston 482162, Bella Spurrier 482367 or on the door. (All nos. 01308)Thorner’s SchoolThe children are looking forward to their half term break and finished term with a lovely trip to the Electric Palace to watch this year’s pantomime, a laser clay pigeon shooting day and a fairy tales tea party for the little ones. After the break, we will all be back ready to start new topics such as Computer Programming, Landscape Painting and Sikhism to name but a few. The older pupils are also training hard for upcoming sports competitions such as a dance festival and a handball tournament alongside our usual weekly clubs. In the coming term we will be visiting some local churches to develop our understanding of stained glass - with a view to the children creating a collective design that we then hope to install at school in the summer holidays. Having recently visited a super RE conference in Bristol, we also look forward to updating our RE curriculum this year - to ensure that our pupils have a richer understanding of all faiths and other world views. We are planning visits out, and visitors to, our school to help the children develop an understanding of religion in the modern world and the big questions it raises for all.Lastly, In March, we will be undertaking some CPD training to improve the way in which we help the pupils talk about their learning and how they talk to one another about their reasoning and debating skills - we hope this will lead into livelier assemblies in which pupils take more of a lead role and discussion sits at the heart of how they learn about the world around them.Mike SitchHeadmasterBride Valley Garden ClubIt seems only yesterday that the notice board was packed away at the end of another season of garden club meetings, yet already it's coming out of hibernation for the start of another year. We meet on Monday March 17th to pay subscriptions and receive the programme card before the talk – a busy half hour for village reps and secretary Liz. It would help get the business side of things over with quickly if renewing members would please arrive with £8 per person in a named envelope. With this chore dealt with members will be able to meet up with friends, have a drink and settle down for the main event. I'm ashamed to admit that after 30 years of living locally I had not known we have an award winning specialist nursery in Toller Porcorum. Proprietor David Ennals of Coach House Cacti will be talking to us about caring for cacti and succulents - and is bringing plants to sell. As a lover of succulents I'm hoping he will have some that I need to add to my collection and can't resist! Gold medal winners at county shows over many years says it all and we hope to see a good turn out for David at the start of our 2025 programme.The club meets at the Litton Cheney Community Hall (LATCH) in School Lane. Doors open at 7pm. Visitors (£2) will be made very welcome.For further club information contact either me or Liz Gibbs – Secretary - on 07751 942588Hope to see you there.
The Bridport Local Area Partnership (BLAP) is here for the community. Current members of the partnership include Bridport Town Council, 10 Parish Councils and more than 80 community organisations and individuals working to improve the social, economic, and environmental wellbeing of Bridport and surrounding areas. For information or if you have a piece you would like included in the BLAP Bulletin, please contact Jo Hughes by email at Water Community Drop-In SessionIf you want advice or have a question about Wessex Water's services, you can speak to them in person at their community drop-in session at Bridport Library this Wednesday 26th February between 10.00am - 12.00pm and 1.00pm - 2.00pm.West Bay Discovery Centre - TalkWhat have the DIY Sailor, the Bomber on the Beach, and a disappearing MP got in common? They are all quirky stories from around West Bay that appear in a new book from Bridport Museum and feature in this illustrated talk by Quirky Bridport author Tegwyn Jones this Wednesday 26th February,2.00pm - 3.30pm at the Salt House, West Bay. Tickets cost £6 and must be booked in advance from Bridport Tourist Information Centre. Proceeds to West Bay Discovery Centre.Bridport Millennium Green - TalkIn support of Bridport Millennium Green, Tim Gale will give an illustrated talk on Downe Hall and Bridport through the ages 1700 to 1944. The talk will be held at the WI Hall, North Street, Bridport this Thursday 27th February at 2.30pm. £5 payable on the door (£4 members).Help Our Planet Talk - Citizen ScienceDid you know Darwin was an early Citizen Scientist? Citizen Science encourages volunteers to become involved in collecting data which enables scientists to examine the well-being of animal and plant populations. This facilitates better judgement on how best to help save species and their habitats.The Help Our Planet talk will be held at Sladers Yard, West Bay, Bridport DT6 4EL this Thursday 27th February at 7.00pmcommencing with a filmed talk by Professor Jenny Preece on Citizen Science and Environmental Education, followed by a discussion on current projects in the wider Bridport area led by Nick Gray, West Dorset Conservation Officer and Dana Assinder of West Dorset Wilding.Doors open at 6.00pm and a hot supper and bar will be available. Tickets cost £12 (concessions £6) and can be purchased from Bridport Tourist Information Centre with proceeds to West Dorset Wilding.Bridport Youth Dance - The Power of Love and Dance SnippetsThe show, which celebrates 21 years of BYD productions features dancers from Bridport Youth Dance and the BYD street dance crew together with guest artists -BYD alumni Louis Donovan, Charlie Green, Robyn Moss, Amber Palfreyman and Lucie Sivier. Throughout, there will be soulful contemporary dance, high energy street and dynamic tap choreography interwoven with a transfer to stage of an adaptation of their latest Choreography Geography performance "The Power of Love." The show will be performed at the Electric Palace on Friday 28th February at 7.30pm and Saturday 1st March at 2.30pmand 7.30pm. Tickets: Adult £13.00 and Under 18 & Student £9.00, available from the Electric Palace or Bridport Tourist Information Centre, Bridport Town Hall, South Street DT6 3LF. Tel: 01308 424901.Bridport Library - Reading Group Book ClubThe Reading Group Book Club takes place on the first Tuesday of the month at Bridport Library, South Street, Bridport from2.00pm - 3.00pm. The next Book Club will be on Tuesday 4th March. Places are limited to 10 people and must be reserved in advance with Eventbrite or by calling 01308 422778 or visiting the library.BLAP Steering GroupThe next BLAP Steering Group meeting will be held on Thursday 6th March at 2.15pm, Mountfield, Bridport. There will also be the option to join via Zoom. All BLAP members are very welcome to attend.Sustainable Bridport - Solar PanelsDo you want to reduce your energy bills and carbon emissions? Sustainable Bridport will be hosting a meeting at Bridport WI Hall on Thursday 6th March at 6.30pm with details of a scheme to bulk buy solar panels and to get answers to your questions from some installers. If you can't make the meeting but are interested, email: bridportsolarpanels@gmail.comBridport Museum - The Bridport Branch Line Illustrated TalksFriday 7th March - an illustrated talk by Tegwyn Jones of Bridport Museum on “Toller Station and the Bridport branch line” at Toller Porcorum Village Hall at 7.30pm. £5 on the door.Tuesday 11th March - an illustrated talk by Tegwyn Jones of Bridport Museum on “Powerstock Station and the Bridport branch line” at Powerstock Hut at 7.30pm. £5 on the door.The Mayor's Quiz NightDon't forget to book your table for the Mayor’s Quiz which is being held at Bridport Youth and Community Centre on Saturday 8th March at 7.00pm. You can have tables of up to 6 and it is £5 per person. There will be a bar and raffle with some great prizes. The quiz is raising funds for the Mayor’s charities which this year are Bridport Youth and Community Centre, Bridport Read Easy and Homestart Wessex. Pop in or contact the Bridport Tourist Information Centre on 01308 424901 to book your table.Bridport History Society - TalkThe next meeting of Bridport History Society is on Thursday 13th March and to mark 200 years of train travel since 1825, Professor Colin Divall will give a talk titled 'Who Planned the Victorian Railways - and Did They Get It Right?’ Colin Divall is professor emeritus of railway studies at the University of York and was until 2014 head of the Institute of Railway Studies & Transport History. The talk, which follows a short AGM, will be held at the United Church Hall on East Street, Bridport. Doors open at 2.15pm for a prompt 2.30pm start and all are welcome, visitors are £5pp. For more information, please visit: Trinity Church Bothenhampton - The TempestA date for the diary - William Shakespeare's The Tempest at Holy Trinity Church, South Lawns, Bothenhampton DT6 4BH on Friday 2nd May, 7.00pm - 8.30pm. Doors will open at 6.30pm and refreshments will be available for a donation prior to the performance.Adult tickets cost £16.00 and under 16s £12.00 and are available to purchase from: Wheelchair users can access the five steps up to the church via the stair climber. Dorset National Landscape - Nature Buddies NetworkTo help more people access nature and heritage for physical and mental benefits, Dorset National Landscape have secured funding from The National Lottery Heritage Fund to set up a Nature Buddies Network across Dorset.For many, having company when trying to enjoy nature and heritage can help overcome the barriers they may face such as low confidence, lack of knowledge or safety concerns. The aim is to build a network of trained volunteer Nature Buddies, which are embedded in local organisations and groups, who can be matched to people in need of support.To find out more about the scheme, the support provided to host Nature Buddy volunteers and the benefits, skills and new opportunities it can bring to your organisation, contact Kate and Jules via email at the Dorset National Landscape Team: Council - Social Housing Wait Time CalculatorA new online tool has been launched to provide residents with a clearer idea of how long they may need to wait for a social housing property. The social housing wait time calculator has been designed to give people an idea of the length of time they may be waiting to secure a social housing property in a particular area based on current housing data.The calculator which can be found on the Housing section of the Dorset Council website will help residents to understand how long it can take to be allocated a social housing property in their desired area, allowing them to make choices about their housing options. The website is in addition to the service provided by the council’s Housing officers, who can discuss individual cases and queries about the Housing Register. They can be contacted by calling 01305 221000.Dorset Community Foundation - Hidden Dorset ReportDorset Community Foundation has been supporting charities and groups in the county for 25 years. Its Hidden Dorset reporthas just been published which highlights issues such as poverty, homelessness and loneliness in the Dorset Council and BCP Council areas. There are lots of useful statistics and some good practice projects described, including the Harmony Centre in Bridport.Bride Valley News The March edition of the Bride Valley News includes updates and events from Burton Bradstock, Litton Cheney, Shipton Gorge and Puncknowle & Swyre including parish council updates and information and news on a wide range of groups and events.