Your local Safer Neighbourhood Team is Dorchester West click for website
Call them at Dorset Police on: 101 or on their team mobile: 07500 816292 or email:
Dorchester Police Twitter Page Have you discovered the Dorchester Police Twitter page yet? Why not take a look and follow the team who will give you up to date information. Their Twitter page can be found on
Please only use the numbers above for non-emergency calls. If a crime is in progress or life is in danger, please dial 999. For help and advice, to report an incident or if you have been a victim contact Dorset Police on: Telephone: 101 Non-emergency; Email:; Online:
Comprehensive help and advice on crime prevention is available at:
Action Fraud is the name given to the UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and financially motivated cyber crime. The team is run by the City of London Police, working alongside the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau and Neighbourhood Alerts team. They use information from all fraud and cyber crime cases reported to them to create alerts about new types of crime or those which are increasing in severity. Fraud is when trickery is used to gain a dishonest advantage, which is often financial, over another person. This can have a devastating impact on those affected. Knowledge is the best defence when it comes to fraud. The more you know about the most recent or common techniques fraudsters are using to defraud victims, the less likely you are to fall into the trap. Dorset Police has designed a new webpage that will keep up to date with the latest frauds affecting the county on our website. Action Fraud also sends information about scams and fraud in your area by email, recorded voice and text message. If you believe you have been a victim of fraud or cybercrime, please report it to Action Fraud by calling 0300 123 2040, or visiting
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Computer Safety Warnings
a village in the Bride Valley Litton Cheney Dorset
Photo by Claire Moore 3_7_2021
Fake emails and text messages are a common tactic used by cyber criminals, their goal is often to convince you to click a link. Once clicked, you may be sent to a dodgy website which could download viruses onto your computer, or steal your passwords and personal information.In order to try and convince you that their messages are legitimate, criminals will pretend to be someone you trust, or from some organisation you trust. This could be your Internet Service Provider (ISP), local council, even a friend in need. And they may contact you by phone call, email or text message.Reporting suspicious emails:If you have received an email which you’re not quite sure about, you can report it by forwarding the email to the Suspicious Email Reporting Service at: of 31st October 2021, the number of suspicious email reports stands at more than 8,100,000, with the removal of more than 67,000 scams and 124,000 URLs.Thank you for your continued support.*In a small number of cases, an email may not reach our service due to it already being widely recognised by spam detection services. The vast majority of reports do reach our system so please keep reporting any suspicious emails you receive.Reporting suspicious text messages:You can report suspicious text messages to your mobile network provider, for free, by forwarding the text to 7726.If you forward a text, your provider can investigate the origin of the text and take action, if found to be malicious. If 7726 doesn’t work, you can find out how to report a text message by contacting your provider.(On many Android devices and iPhones, pressing and holding on the message bubble should present the option to forward the message)For more of the government’s latest advice on how to stay secure online, visit the Cyber Aware website: for reading! If you found this information useful, please help us spread the word by forwarding this email to your friends.
Do You Know Where To Report Scam Messages?
Are You Leaving The Door Open For Hackers?
Why are software updates important?Software updates are an important part of staying secure online. But why? You’ll often hear about the new features or performance improvements in a software update, but what isn’t talked about as often are the bug fixes and security improvements. Out-of-date software and apps contain weaknesses. This makes them easier to hack. Companies fix the weaknesses by releasing updates. When you update your devices and software, this helps to keep hackers out.Why would cyber criminals target me?Your device contains a lot of personal data that is highly valuable if it fell into the hands of a fraudster. The likelihood is your device will contain your full name, date of birth, address, bank details, passwords, as well as many other forms of personal data such as private photos or videos.Improve your online security by using automatic software updatesWe understand it can sometimes be annoying to remember to update your devices every time a new update is released, that’s why we encourage you to enable automatic updates wherever it’s available. That means you don’t have to manually install updates every time they’re released. We’ve provided some useful links below where you can find step by step instructions on how to enable automatic updates for your devices and apps. · Apple - Mac (opens in a new tab) · Apple - iPhone and iPad (opens in a new tab) · Microsoft Windows 10 (opens your MS settings) · Windows 7 is no longer supported. You should upgrade to Windows 10 · Android smartphones and tablets (opens in a new tab) · Android apps (opens in a new tab) · For more of the government’s latest advice on how to stay secure online, visit the Cyber Aware website: Thanks for reading! If you found this information useful, please help us spread the word by forwarding this email to your friends.
Police Alert - June 2024
Dorset Alert - Scam Calls Dorset Police have recently received reports from members of the public regard scam calls pertaining to be from a Police Officer. The scammers gave the name of a Police Station, their name and collar number. They went onto to talk about their Tesco card being used fraudulently, had they used it recently, and they have a suspect they are looking at. On one occasion the scammers then asked them to phone 999 for a crime number. If this call is made from the same phone the scammers keep the line open so it tricks you into thinking you are speaking to the genuine Police. On another occasion the scammers asked the person to get some money out their bank and someone would be collecting it. Many people feel silly, cross and angry at being caught out by these scammers. Please DO NOT blame yourself. This is the scammers job, they are extremely believable, likable and draw you in with their chat. The Police will never call you asking for information like this. If you are at all concerned about a call you receive then put the phone down and if you can call Police on a different phone or contact a trusted friend or family member to talk it through. Thank you Sarah PCSO 5410 New project to help older people in Dorset A new initiative aimed at creating a safer environment for older people in Dorset has been launched by charity Age UK North South & West Dorset, thanks to support from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC). The OPCC has commissioned the charity for the project which will reach and support older people in our county through education, support, collaboration with health services and sharing of key information. This will include a focus on digital safety and security at home. Around one-third of Dorset’s population is over the age of 65, with nearly half of those people living in rural areas. This often results in isolation which can lead to people becoming more vulnerable and susceptible to online crimes and scams. The Older Safer project aims to reach and support people in rural areas, through a variety of measures including community outreach, awareness campaigns and combined working with local health services. The initiative, which the OPCC is supporting with £20,000 of funding, will focus on three key parts: Secure Seniors, to increase digital resilience in older people; Safe Ageing, providing a support network to tackle social isolation; and Safe at Home, to enhance safety in the home. Each participant will undergo an initial assessment to determine specific needs, concerns, and their digital abilities in order to tailor support to individual requirements. As well as digital safety and scam awareness workshops which are customised to the knowledge and skillsets of the people involved, ongoing overall support will also be provided, with regular contact maintained to address questions, and help issued through phone calls, in person meetings or emails, depending on what the person prefers. A range of resources including online materials and handouts will be available, with user-friendly formats and easy to understand language. Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner, David Sidwick said: “I want to ensure Dorset’s residents are protected from crime and feel safe and secure as they get older. Whether that is through education and awareness of the despicable tactics of scammers and fraudsters, via small safety measures they can take in their homes or through increased contact and community support, anything we can do to help people feel safer is vitally important. “Equipping our older generation with knowledge, support and a sense of community will be key to tackling the vulnerability often associated with getting older and is a project I fully support. “This initiative will not only enable older people to increase their resilience and confidence generally but will help more people to stay safe online and in their own homes and living spaces.” Terri Lewis, chief officer for Age UK Dorset, said: “Through our well-established networks, we are poised to make a tangible difference in the lives of older adults across our county. “Our focus extends beyond just providing support; we aim to create a vibrant community where seniors feel valued, connected, and safe. “By addressing social isolation head-on and empowering individuals with the tools to navigate the digital world securely, we're fostering an environment where growing older should be something to be enjoyed rather than feared. “We are immensely grateful for the support from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, whose partnership enables us to turn this vision into reality.” The Older Safer initiative will initially continue for one year, with the opportunity to extend following a review. If you know of anyone who may not be on the email list, village Facebook page or do not use either, please pass this information on if appropriate. We send out information by email, Facebook or letter and all contact details are kept confidential. If we are contacted for help this is also confidential. Please contact: Gwen: 01308 482270 Ruth: 01308 482562 Jackie: 01308 482379