HOME SUPPORT Do you need a little bit of support to stay independent in your own home? Age UK Dorchester recognises that a little bit of help with day to day tasks can go a long way towards helping older people remain in their own homes for longer. Some of the help our Home Support service can offer: Domestic support: Kitchen & bathroom cleaning, dusting, vacuuming, clothes washing, ironing, changing bed clothes. Gardening: Moderate pruning of trees, hedges and shrubs, planting and weeding, sweeping up leaves, mowing lawns, boarder edging. Other Support: Shopping, dog walking, de cluttering, assisting you with paperwork, filing, paying bills We do not provide: Personal care The service is currently available in Dorchester, Weymouth and surrounding areas and we are trying to expand to include the Bridport area. All staff are fully DBS (formerly CBS) checked. The cost per hour for the service is £12.75 regardless of the tasks undertaken. Mileage for errands like shopping will be charged at 40p per mile. The minimum length of time we can provide is one hour. For more information or a chat about what sort of support you would like please contact Lucy or Carol on 01305 269444. Age UK Dorchester Reg. Charity No. 1142519
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Could your family benefit from 30 hours of free childcare? All children aged 3 and 4 are eligible for 15 hours of free childcare, but working parents in Dorset may be eligible for up to 30 hours from April 2017, this is 5 months earlier than it is being rolled out nationally as Dorset is piloting the scheme. These parents will also be the first who can apply for Tax-Free Childcare for children up to the age of 12 years (17 if they have a disability. Each parent must earn a minimum of £115 and a maximum of £100,000 a year. Lone parents and the self-employed may also be eligible. For more details visit www.dorsetforyou.com/30hours or contact Dorset County Council’s Family Information Service on 01305 221066.
Warming up Dorset! Do you struggle to keep your home warm or worry how you will afford your energy bills this winter? Contact Healthy Homes Dorset for free, impartial advice about keeping your home warm, using your heating system, understanding your energy bills and making energy saving improvements – if you’re eligible for loft or cavity wall insulation it will be free! We will also register you for power cut support, a handy service to be on if you experience a power cut in your area. Our advice can be given through home visits as well as over the phone. Fire safety alarm and appliance checks can also be organised in partnership with Fire and Rescue for eligible residents. If you, or someone you know, would benefit from speaking to a trained energy advisor, then get in touch. Call: 0300 003 7023 email: help@healthyhomesdorset.org.uk Internet: www.healthyhomesdorset.org.uk Healthy Homes Dorset is a service provided by Dorset County Council, funded by Public Health Dorset and managed by Ridgewater Energy https://www.ridgewaterenergy.co.uk .
Dorset Citizens Advice provides advice on all the above and more. Follow this link for further information: https://advicedorset.org.uk/
A new service to help those caring for people across Dorset launched on Thursday 21 November, 2019, Carers Rights Day. Carer Support Dorset has been established to give information, advice and support to all age, unpaid carers across the county where the person cared for is over 18. In response to feedback from carers over the last few years, Carer Support Dorset will be a central point of contact, whether by phone or through the website. Carer Support Dorset will be able to signpost or refer onto a wide range of existing support available for carers. This could include issuing a carers discount card, local carers’ cafes, funding streams and referring to funded services from the local authority through a carers assessment. Based out of Ferndown, Carer Support Dorset covers the whole of Dorset and offer a Freephone number (0800 368 8349) with a friendly team at the end of the line ready to support you, as well as extensive information on the website www.carersupportdorset.co.uk. Judy Walker, Chief Executive, Carer Support Dorset adds: “Carers play an extremely important role and often don’t receive the recognition or support that they deserve. We are delighted to be launching Carer Support Dorset and are looking forward to working with carers, charities and other organisations which promote better support for carers. We’d urge carers to get in touch with our service from 21 November onwards.” If you think that you are a carer, contact Carer Support Dorset from 21 November on 0800 368 8349 or visit www.carersupportdorset.co.uk to find out more. Interviews Interviews are available upon request. Please contact emmak@carersupportdorset.co.uk to arrange. About Carer Support Dorset Support Dorset’s aim is to create carer friendly communities where carers are recognised, valued and supported. Carer Support Dorset is commissioned by Dorset Council and Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group. About Carers Rights Day Carers Rights Day takes place on 21 November with the aim of ensuring carers are aware of their rights, letting carers know where to get help and support and to raise awareness of the needs of carers. On Carers Rights Day hundreds of organisations across the UK hold an event or activity for Carers Rights Day to help people in their community find out about their rights as a carer, and where to go for support. Emma Kirkup Communications Carer Support Dorset emmak@carersupportdorset.co.uk 01380 908058 Ext 378
Trevor Davies, Poppy Connell and Anna Elston
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Photo by Claire Moore 3_7_2021