St. Mary’s, Litton Cheney, is part of the Bride Valley Benefice. Rector: The Rev Andrew Rawding, tel: 01308 898799 email:
St Mary's is one of seven Parish Churches within the Bride Valley Benefice. Church business is dealt with on a day to day basis by the standing committee of the Parochial Church Council: Chairman: The Rector Churchwarden: Vacant Secretary: Wendy: Firrell Treasurer: Freddie Spicer The full Council meets four times a year including the Annual Church Meeting in April. The pattern of Worship currently in use on a monthly basis is Morning Worship at 9.30 a.m. with refreshments afterwards, Holy Communion with hymns at 9.30 a.m. on the 2nd Sunday, Matins at 9.30 a.m. on the 3rd Sunday and Holy Communion at 9.30 a.m. on the 4th Sunday; the service on a 5th Sunday varies and is usually a United Valley Service at one of the Valley Churches. Copies of the Parish Magazine and Bride Valley News are available in the Church.
The Churchyard: The churchyard surrounds the Church and slopes fairly sharply in places from north to south; the extension at the north end is presently a wildlife area with paths and picnic places from which you can enjoy a vast panoramic view of the coastal ridge with Hardy's monument to the east. There are many interesting old gravestones including box graves cut from Purbeck stone liberally adorned with yellow lichens. The grass is cut and the yard generally maintained by a small band of volunteers who are constantly on the lookout for additions to their number! The War Memorial is situated to the west of the church porch. More details here
St. Mary’s Church takes is responsibilities surrounding the safeguarding of children, young people, and adults who may be at risk very seriously and works in partnership with the Diocese of Salisbury to ensure that we work in accordance with best practice at all times. Our Parish Safeguarding Policy was adopted by the PCC on 8th May 2018 and a copy of it is available on the shelf inside the Church. It can also be downloaded from the Salisbury Diocese website: If you have safeguarding concerns, our Parish Safeguarding contact is Paul Cheater 01308 482223, email: . Alternatively if you have queries you may contact the Benefice Safeguarding Officer, Liz Slater, on 01308 897751 or by email at The Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser is Heather Bland 07500 664800 email:
First Sunday - 9.30 am - Holy Communion Second Sunday - 9.30 am - Service for Mothering Sunday Third Sunday - 9.30 am - Morning Prayer Fourth Sunday - 9.00 pm - Holy Communion
Newsletter August 2024
a village in the Bride Valley Litton Cheney Dorset
Photo by Claire Moore 3_7_2021
Normal Service Times
Our regular service pattern continues during September, but looking ahead to next month we shall be holding our Harvest Festival celebration on Sunday 6 th October at 11.00 am, followed by a Bring & Share lunch – further details in October’s BVN. Ride and Stride Time to dust off the bike or resole the boots. Saturday 14 th September is the day for the Dorset Historic Churches Trust Ride and Stride this year visit as many or as few churches as you wish with sponsorship to raise money for the Trust who will share it between the Trust and St Mary’s Church. Do the business online at or get a form and further details from Kathryn Brooks (482548 or