a village in the Bride Valley Litton Cheney Dorset
Photo by Claire Moore 3_7_2021
Facebook Hacking
We want to make you aware of a recent surge in hacked Facebook accounts being used to perpetrate fraud. Fraudsters are gaining access to people's accounts and using them to advertise and sell non-existent event tickets, products, and more - often targeting local community Facebook groups and Marketplace. Remember, there is more than one victim here - both the person whose account was hacked and those tricked into sending money. If your Facebook account has been hacked and used illegally, make sure to contact Facebook right away to secure it, change your password, and notify contacts. You should also report the incident to Action Fraud. For more information on how to spot scams and stay safe online, visit the website Get Safe online, which offers hints and tips. Here are some tips to help identify hacked Facebook accounts and accounts selling fake event tickets or products: Look for a change in tone or writing style from the account's previous posts. Hacked accounts often show odd changes if the hacker is posing as the person but not mimicking them well. Check when the account last posted or had regular activity. If there's a gap of weeks or months, that can indicate it was inactive then suddenly became active again in a questionable way. Look for friends commenting confusion on the posts selling tickets/products. They likely know if that behaviour seems strange coming from their friend. Click on the seller's name and check their profile and past posts. Scammers often hack accounts that have been inactive, with few recent posts. See if the account repeatedly posts the same or very similar ticket/product sales posts. Scammers tend to reuse the same ads across targeted groups. Check for other posts warning of the account being hacked or fake if the person has reached out to warn their legitimate connections. Reverse image search any photos of tickets or products. Scammers often steal images from other sites or past events rather than taking their own. Look out for one another, so please share this message to help prevent further victims. The more awareness we can raise, the less power these fraudsters have to deceive members of our community. Thank you for your help and vigilance! I am calling on residents in Dorset to join us in our fight against drug crime by reporting the small things which could make the biggest difference to where you live. Have you seen odd or out of character behaviour on your street? Perhaps you’ve witnessed a drug deal but haven’t reported it because you don’t think it’s important. Perhaps you don’t think anything will be done? I am urging you to report your concerns, no matter how insignificant you think they might be. It could provide the missing piece of the puzzle officers need to act.
DCC Transport Survey
Please complete a survey on transport in Dorset. Dorset Council and BCP Council need your views to help them develop a new local transport plan to travel safely and easily around the county, while protecting its special landscape. This is essential to help the two councils shape a transport plan that works for everyone in Dorset. Find out more and complete the survey Survey closes Sunday 3 March 2024.
Superfast Broadband - Update 15th February 2024
After everyone’s effort to pledge their votes with Openreach, they tell us that ultrafast fibre should be starting to go live in the main streets of Litton and Long Bredy around April this year (2024). This looks to be about 2 years earlier than if we’d all sat back and waited for it to come. For those who pledged, you may be asked to reconfirm your pledge prior to actual connection to your property. Anyone in more outlying areas who is worried they will be left out of the build, please contact Angus 07770582877 and we’ll try to check for you. Background During the first few months of 2024 you will perhaps have seen Openreach engineers up poles and in roadways cleaning out existing ducting. As we understand it, work had already been going on during December in the main exchanges. From those, main spine cables were installed taking the main cabling to areas for distribution at a splitter (1-32). From here the cabling fans out to Customer Box Terminals on poles (CBT terminals). CBTs may be installed before cabling connections from the splitters are made, so if you see them don’t expect an immediate connection. Then, when all these main cables are up and running the connection to properties will begin. Delays and road closures Homes that have existing cabling underground may suffer delays as it is more difficult to connect them, in which case the new supply may have to go above ground. You may have to negotiate the installation route with Openreach. Openreach may have to arrange road closures such as Whiteway in Litton for the work to take place, or where poles are jointly used with other utilities. At some point it may even be necessary for the partial road closure of the A35 to enable a safe working environment whilst installing and extending these cables to the likes of Kingston Russell and beyond. Please be patient. After all the effort that’s been put in by everybody, Fast Fibre is on its way and with fingers crossed we should be connected soon. Litton Cheney and Long Bredy main streets will probably be the first to go live, followed by Compton Vallance, then the more outlying areas. That’s the current plan but schedules may change, and we will try and keep you up to date as much as possible.
Want to contribute to the well-being of Litton? Why not join the Premier Crew, a group of well-intentioned citizens of our village who clean and tidy up areas when they need a little bit of care and attention. Your ability to help will undoubtedly depend on your availability and you are not expected to turn up everytime there is a call to arms. Gender equality is alive and well, as is the bonhomie or bonfemme on offer whenever we meet. With enough volunteers we could even become the Grand Crew! If you would like to join us, please contact John Firrell on 01308 482313.
Premier Crew – Come & Join Us
Plant Sale
Road Closures
SWH-BBIS Rockbeare Hill Rockbeare Nr Exeter Devon, EX5 2HB Tel 01404 823871 A30/A35 Exeter to Bere Regis Trunk Road Maintenance SWH/BBIS is the Managing Agent Contractor for Connect A30/A35 Limited, the concessionaire responsible for the operation and maintenance of the A30 and A35 between Exeter and Bere Regis. As part of the maintenance strategy for the A30/A35, it is necessary to carry out some maintenance works on the A30/A35. All works will be carried out under a full road closure, please see below: Axminster to Bridport - 24/6/24 to 18/07/24 – between 2000 hrs and 0600 hrs Bridport to Dorchester - 18/07/24 to 31/07/24 – between 2000 hrs and 0600 hrs Stinsford to Bere Regis - 31/07/24 to 01/08/24 – between 2000 hrs and 0600 hrs Honiton to Axminster - 01/8/24 to 24/8/24 - between 2000 hrs and 0600 hrs Moor Lane Rdabt to Daisymount – 27/08/24 to 30/08/24 – between 2000 hrs and 0600 hrs Daisymount to Langford – 30/08/24 to 07/09/24 – between 2000 hrs and 0600 hrs We have tried to minimise disruption to road users and residents. Please note that the works planned are weather susceptible and may be subject to change due to circumstances beyond our control. We will endeavour to communicate any change in programme as soon as possible. A dedicated phone line has been installed for customers who may wish to call and enquire about the works. This number is for enquires regarding these works only and can be found at the top of this letter. We realise that these works may cause inconvenience to some local residents and roads users but access will be available for residents within the closures with the exception when we are working within the vicinity whereby access will be limited. We would however like to take this opportunity to apologise if any inconvenience caused during these operations. Yours faithfully For and on behalf of SWHBBISjv Phil Cole CONTRACTS MANAGER